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62217 Achicourt
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BaseCam SimpleBGC 32-bit Tiny I2C 2-IMU Set Revision C Alexmos 3 axis Camera Stabilizer controller small encoder nacelle controller PCB

Lieferdatum: Manufactured Per Order Request, Dispatched in 2 weeks
150 €

BaseCam SimpleBGC 32-bit Tiny I2C 2-IMU Set Revision C Alexmos 3 axis Camera Stabilizer controller small encoder nacelle controller PCB


The kit includes:

•SimpleBGC 32bit Tiny Rev. C main board - 1 pc
•IMU sensor board - 1 pc
•IMU wire -1 pc



•Size of the board: 40x25x7mm

•Weight: 5.45g
•Power supply voltage: 5-26V (2s-6s LiPo)

•Maximum motor current: 5A peak ~1.5A continious per motor

•5V converter output: up to 1A


•Built-in IMU sensor, can be used as a second frame sensor or as the main sensor.

•Has the same set of interfaces as the full-size SimpleBGC 32-bit.

•Possibility to connect optional Bluetooth module.



•Fully compatible with the "Tiny Rev. B" in shape, terminals, and mounting holes.

•Dimensions are 25×40 mm, height is 7mm (pin headers are not installed).

•Output power capabilities up to 6 times more than in Tiny Rev. A and B, which allows using this board with a wider range of payloads, handling motors from micro-size to 110-size.

•High-voltage motor drivers are connected directly to the power supply, giving the following advantages compared to Rev. A, B:
  • -overall output current is limited only by the power supply capabilities;

  • -can handle high-voltage motors and big motors up to 110 sizes;

  • -better reliability.

•Motor drivers have better efficiency (less heat emission at the same output power).

•MCU with 256k FLASH (2x more than in previous revisions) can support advanced functionality which presents in the "Extended" series of SBGC32 controllers.

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